YAHUSHUA YaHuWaH Jesus Christ Elijah Isaiah Antichrist Baal Feast Atonement Passover New Moon Israel David God Angel Angels Glory King of Kings Devil Satan False Prophet Pope Miracle Sign Wonder Homosexual Abomination Solar Eclipse Armageddon End Times End of the Age Two Witnesses Aviv Barley Harvest Judgment  Nations Jerusalem Man of Sin Goliath Ark Noah Adam Eve Sodom Gomorrah GilGal Global Government World Leader Messiah Moshiach Moses Aaron Red Sea Elohim Heaven Earth Sun Stars Creator Lunar Eclipse Babylon the Great Islam Hebrew Lunar Tetrad Blood Moon Bethlehem Adonai Prince of Peace John the Baptist Tav Paleo Hebrew Sabbath Day Repent Covenant Daniel Belshazzar. Bible teaching, prophecy prophecy and end times and end times information that reveal the relationship of ancient prophecies with current major media events end of the world

Begin Here
Let's begin with an introduction to the Name of the Being who wrote the code, the ordered sequence, of human DNA. Residing in the nucleus of every living cell in each of our bodies, human DNA contains the most complex ordered sequence of instructions in the known universe. The amount of intelligence conveyed in human DNA is beyond human comprehension.

The Name of the Being who wrote the code for the human DNA sequence translated into English from the Hebrew language is YaHuWaH Elohim. After extensive research it's been found that the most probable pronunciation of His Name is YaHuWaH. We'll use that pronunciation throughout this website, noting that the exact ancient pronunciation may be slightly different.

YaHuWaH Elohim is the composer of the code for human DNA. By His own description, YaHuWaH exists outside of space and time. In the course of His interaction with mankind, YaHuWaH entered space-time in the form of His only begotten Son.

His only begotten Son's Hebrew Name, commonly called 'Jesus' from the Greek is also 'Joshua' from the Hebrew and is pronounced YAHUSHUA. (Reference Strong's #03091 for the Hebrew pronunciation, "Yahowshuwa" of the Hebrew name we know as "Joshua") The Name of the Father is found residing in His Son, hallowed be His Name. The meaning of the Name YAHUSHUA in Hebrew is ' YaHuWaH is Salvation'.

A detailed research into the history and pronunciation of the Names of the Father and His Son can be found here.

These names are important. Names in ancient times provided a description of the one bearing the name. The early Semitic pictograph Hebrew letters for YaHuWaH , Yod - Hey - Vav - Hey each have a meaning as follows:

Yod = Closed Hand

   Hey = Lo, Behold, Reveal

      Vav = Hook, Fasten, Tent Peg, Nail

    Hey = Lo, Behold, Reveal

The message and meaning revealed in the Name YaHuWaH is " I open My hand, look, the nail scar, look ".

The Ancient Hebrew font above courtesy of Jeff Benner. For more info on ancient Hebrew alphabets visit his website here.

Glorious is Your Name - YAHUWAH
by MassiahYahushua 

YaHuWaH has made the statement " YaHuWaH ..., this is My Name forever".

But Zion said, YaHuWaH hath forsaken me, and my Adonai hath forgotten me.
"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands;..." Isaiah 49:15-16

YaHuWaH has also made the statement that He will inscribe His Name upon those who trust and obey Him. The inscription of His Name upon the heart and mind of a person is the ultimate in security. Pause and consider what you have just read.

Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s Name written in their foreheads.

Be sure to visit the 'Sign of Messiah's Return' page to see YaHuWaH's ability to arrange lunar and solar eclipses in advance to coincide with major events in the lives of His chosen people. Only the Creator of the universe existing outside of space-time can arrange the orbits of the Earth and it's Moon for the precise position and timing sequences revealed on that page.

Yes, there is intelligent life beyond Earth. There is life beyond our wildest imaginations. The source of life is revealed by YaHuWaH Elohim inside the Judeo-Christian Bible. The pages on this website contain a portion of the information that the Almighty One has revealed to mankind down through the centuries. As you read these pages and put into practice the instructions contained herein YaHuWaH will be inscribing His Name onto your heart.

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, YaHuWaH, which call thee by thy name, am the Elohim of Israel.

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I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, YaHuWaH, which call thee by thy name, am the Elohim of Israel.

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