No one can read the Bible through without becoming strongly aware that YaHuWaH the Almighty Elohim of Israel requires the human race to obey Him. Indeed, without obedience a person's worship of the Creator is futile. Doubtless it is Christendom's greatest error that so many Church leaders have somehow convinced themselves that the Ten Commandments are cancelled and done away with. A greater misconception can hardly be imagined.
The ultimate results of these errors are filling western prisons with criminals too numerous to cope with. The fact is that the Scriptures contain literally dozens of passages in which the Most High appeals to the sinner (the lawbreaker) to turn back from the ways of disobedience and death to the path of obedience and life. Faithful obedience is in fact the opposite of sin (an old-fashioned word meaning disobedience).
Obedience, if examined closely, is in fact an expression of faith. Obedience proves that faith is alive! Obedience is the only reliable sign that a believer loves YaHuWaH. Bible prophecy indicates that in the last days the entire world is going to be tested on this matter of obedience; and that once again, as in the days of old, the choice will be between the Commandments of YaHuWaH and the Traditions of Men.
We advise all its students to beware of the smooth-sounding arguments put forward by misguided preachers and false prophets who claim that it is no longer necessary to obey the Ten Commandments. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Holy One of Israel requires all His followers to obey His Torah, a fact that is born out by the writings of all the prophets of YaHuWaH and repeatedly attested by the lives of holy men and women down through the ages. We would be miserably failing in our duties if we led you to believe anything else.
The TEN COMMANDMENTS are recorded in Exodus chapter 20.
Matthew 19:17 | "If ye will enter into life KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS." |
This amazing answer, and it must be right, is seldom if ever used by the preachers of today. And yet it is the one the Master gave when asked about the way to life. See Ezekiel 18:21,27-28 where this mandatory parameter for life is further explained.
For further study read Psalm 119 and the Sermon on the Mount, which is recorded in Matthew chapters 5 to 7. In these majestic passages the values and obligations of obedience are magnified and presented in their true perspective. Study them carefully and by YaHuWaH 's grace endeavor to put them into practice. Do not make the mistake of following the advice of misguided leaders who are blindly leading millions into error.
YAHUSHUA YaHuWaH Jesus Christ Elijah Isaiah Antichrist Baal Feast Atonement Passover New Moon Israel David God Angel Angels Glory King of Kings Devil Satan False Prophet Pope Miracle Sign Wonder Homosexual Abomination Solar Eclipse Armageddon End Times End of the Age Two Witnesses Aviv Barley Harvest Judgment Nations Jerusalem Man of Sin Goliath Ark Noah Adam Eve Sodom Gomorrah GilGal Global Government World Leader Messiah Moshiach Moses Aaron Red Sea Elohim Heaven Earth Sun Stars Creator Lunar Eclipse Babylon the Great Islam Hebrew Lunar Tetrad Blood Moon Bethlehem Adonai Prince of Peace John the Baptist Tav Paleo Hebrew Sabbath Day Repent Covenant Daniel Belshazzar. Bible teaching, prophecy prophecy and end times and end times information that reveal the relationship of ancient prophecies with current major media events end of the world