Lesson 7
The Judgment

We would be guilty of serious neglect if we failed to warn our students of the divine judgement and retribution awaiting those who reject YaHuWaH the Elohim of Israel's offer of salvation through His Son, YAHUSHUA the Messiah.

The Bible is very clear on the point that though the Almighty is a Being of immeasurable goodness; and one who is merciful to a degree far beyond our ken, He is nevertheless, in the interests of universal justice and personal integrity, going to confront every unbeliever with proof of His divine presence and punish every unrepentant sinner for his sins.

That time of manifestation and proof, of investigation and retribution, is called the Day of Judgment. When that day - or rather when that time - arrives, and there is every indication that it is very near, the universe will witness an outpouring of wrath and punishment the like of which has never been seen before, nor ever shall be seen again. That day will herald its approach with a Time of Trouble on Earth which will engulf our civilization and reach its climax when all mankind will stand before the Judgment Seat of Messiah.

These are absolute certainties. Therefore let all who study the texts referred to in this lesson give earnest attention to their lives and seek YaHuWaH 's mercy while it may be found. Because cold indifference to His offer of salvation through His Son YAHUSHUA and a willful rejection of His Torah will avail nothing on the terrible Day of Judgment. Indeed for multiplied millions the Day of Judgement will be a day of retribution and regret, a day of disaster and doom, a day of weeping and wailing - unparalleled in the memory of man.

For the obedient believer it will usher in eternal glory, peace and joy. But for the unbeliever it will be a day of anguish and annihilation.

Here is Scriptural proof of these stunning facts.

  1. Every soul that has ever lived must appear before the High Court of Heaven to be judged.
    (Ecclesiastes 12:14)


  2. By divine decree YAHUSHUA the Messiah has already been appointed the Judge.
    (John 5:22)


  3. The eternal Law used in the great Day of Judgment will be none other than the Torah given by YaHuWaH through His servant Moshe and magnified by YAHUSHUA.
    (Matthew 5:17-19, James 2:11-12)


  4. Every motive, thought, word and deed will be under close scrutiny in the Day of Judgment. In view of this we should take heed as to how we live.
    (Matthew 12:36, Revelation 20:12-13)


  5. The severity of the examination and the expectations of the Judge will be in direct proportion to the opportunities a person has had to learn and practice YaHuWaH 's Torah. "To whom much has been given, from him much will be required."
    (Matthew 11:23-24, Luke 12:47-48)


  6. Judgment will begin with the Household of YaHuWaH (the Church). Unbelievers will be judged later.
    (1 Peter 4:17-18, Revelation 22:10-12)


  7. The Day of Judgment has already been fixed. We cannot hasten or postpone it. It has been fixed.
    (Revelation 14:6-7, Revelation 11:18)


  8. The sentences passed at the judgment will bring joy to believers who will obtain mercy for their sins. But unbelievers will leave the judgment in terrible anguish.
    (Matthew 13: 41-43)


  9. The first signs of the coming judgment are already apparent and their warning messages should be heeded by all students before it is eternally too late.
    (Ezekiel 14:19-21)


  10. The only way to escape being condemned at the judgment is to seek mercy and forgiveness NOW; to trust and obey YaHuWaH NOW - before the decree goes forth. YaHuWaH 's mercy, incidentally, is the only thing which will enable repentant sinners - and this includes all the church - to rejoice on the Day of Judgment.
    But mercy must be sought before sentence is passed.

    (Zephaniah 2:2-3, James 2:13 (last part), Luke 21:34-36)

We urge all readers to keep these awesome truths in mind and to act upon them.

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