Repentance is a condition of remorse, of contrition, of spiritual regret experienced by a sinner who is convicted by the Holy Spirit into realizing that he/she has broken one or more of the commandments of YaHuWaH.
Repentance is not the sorrow of, say, a thief who has been caught red-handed with stolen property and is terrified of the consequences. Nor should repentance be confused with the reluctant apology of a person who has been academically proved wrong and cannot somehow gainsay his opponent's arguments. It is also not the regret, or sorrow, experienced by a person who has made a mistake, the results of which have forced him to admit that he was wrong. No, the repentance we are considering in this lesson has nothing to do with misdeeds where no sense of guilt or regret is felt.
In other words, true repentance is not just sorrow prompted by the fear of punishment or a cold clinical acknowledgement of an obvious error. Instead repentance is a spiritually produced remorse and sorrow-of-heart at having sinned in the first place; the regret of a sinner who becomes aware that he/she has broken a commandment of the Almighty YaHuWaH of Israel. We may add here, in view of the previous lesson, that without the awareness of YaHuWaH 's Torah true repentance is not possible, for one can hardly feel sorry for breaking a commandment one knows nothing of. It follows, therefore, that the Bible call to repentance is itself proof that YaHuWaH 's Torah exists and that the sinner is required to forsake sin (lawlessness) and to turn back to YaHuWaH .
Consequently at this early stage we will advise the student to give serious consideration to the Ten Commandments (Exodus chapter 20) and the magnification of the law in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5 to 7). It may be that the Holy Spirit will then use YaHuWaH 's Torah like a mirror and reveal to you the true condition of your heart and the wretchedness of your soul. Do not be surprised if a painful awareness of your own spiritual poverty overtakes you. That self-same awareness and realization of unworthiness before YaHuWaH is the strongest evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in your mind, convicting you of sin.
Whatever else you may do, do not repulse, stifle or ignore conviction, but act upon it; for conviction is the forerunner of true repentance. And repentance, when acted upon, will lead to faith, confession, forgiveness, spiritual regeneration and finally to life everlasting.
Dear student when you read Luke chapter 15 you will in fact have an insight into the heart of YaHuWaH your heavenly Father. Nothing we can ever publish will do full justice to the love and mercy of the Almighty YaHuWaH of Israel. He is a Being of matchless worth and boundless love. And He wants you, yes you, to repent before it is too late!
These, then, are the basic facts concerning repentance. If you pause to consider them you will see that on the one hand they open up glorious avenues of hope and life to all who will humbly accept YaHuWaH 's offer of mercy and forgiveness through YAHUSHUA the Messiah.
But to those who refuse to repent and who reject the Almighty's offer of mercy and salvation, there is a fearsome future ahead.
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