YAHUSHUA YaHuWaH Jesus Christ Elijah Isaiah Antichrist Baal Feast Atonement Passover New Moon Israel David God Angel Angels Glory King of Kings Devil Satan False Prophet Pope Miracle Sign Wonder Homosexual Abomination Solar Eclipse Armageddon End Times End of the Age Two Witnesses Aviv Barley Harvest Judgment Nations Jerusalem Man of Sin Goliath Ark Noah Adam Eve Sodom Gomorrah GilGal Global Government World Leader Messiah Moshiach Moses Aaron Red Sea Elohim Heaven Earth Sun Stars Creator Lunar Eclipse Babylon the Great Islam Hebrew Lunar Tetrad Blood Moon Bethlehem Adonai Prince of Peace John the Baptist Tav Paleo Hebrew Sabbath Day Repent Covenant Daniel Belshazzar. Bible teaching, prophecy prophecy and end times and end times information that reveal the relationship of ancient prophecies with current major media events end of the world
Prayer is a method of communication by means of which any soul on earth may present his/her requests to YaHuWaH the Almighty Elohim of Israel. Most forms of communication, such as the telephone, radio, television or data transmission by computer, can breakdown and messages do not get through. The system of prayer, though operating on an infinitely higher plane than any man-made telecommunication system, is no exception. It can also breakdown. But, in some strange way, even though prayer operates on an infinitely higher level than, say, local area networks (LAN) do, to correct faults in prayer is easier by far than repairing the telephone or fixing a computer. What's more the parameters of prayer are extremely simple:
The astonishing promise, that every request made in the Master's Name will be granted, is repeated several times in the Scriptures. It comes with all the guarantees of heaven itself. It just cannot fail. Get the parameters right and everything worthwhile is possible! Let every believer pause and consider the unspeakable value of the Savior's advice on prayer. His actual words - yea promises may be found in the following passages:
(John 14:13-14, John 15:7-8, John 15:16, John 16:23-24, 1 John 5:14-15) Study them carefully.
Study the book of Job. It will show you how that behind the scenes an almost incredible drama was being enacted to prove to the angel host that Job worshiped YaHuWaH, not for personal gain as Satan had implied, but because he (Job) admired the Almighty. There may well be a similar drama being enacted in your life. ABOVE ALL, IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH AN EQUALLY TRAGIC EXPERIENCE DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FAITH IN YaHuWaH WHEN YOUR PRAYERS APPEAR TO GO UNHEEDED. If you have re-checked every condition mentioned in this lesson and still get no results, you may be sure that Elohim has a perfectly good reason for not granting your request. It is at this stage - when nothing seems to move - that a believer's faith is tested. It is, of course, possible that your life or motives are not quite right and you yourself are unaware of this. Examine yourself, pray about it and wait for an explanation. It will come.
The criterion of a good prayer is, therefore, not the glowing language used to express it, but rather the spiritual content of the prayer and whether or not YaHuWaH grants it.
"Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees".
YaHuWaH is even now, waiting for the church to wake up to the power of prayer, to make prayer a habit, to ask and receive of Him the immeasurable bounties He has already provided in YAHUSHUA. And it is a constant cause for divine amazement that so few believers even want to understand the subject or give themselves to prayer. (Ezekiel 22:30-31, Isaiah 59:15-16)
And so we will end this lesson reminding you of your duty to pray. Indeed it is your privilege to pray; for coupled with faith, prayer is the finest communication system with the Almighty the church possesses. To be sure it may breakdown, but that is usually because we have not understood its requirements. But though it is sometimes difficult to understand it is easy to start again. Prayer it an extremely powerful system. More powerful than wealth, or talent, or numeric supremacy. Prayer can do anything YaHuWaH can.
So, meet the divine conditions, ASK and RECEIVE, and shall we say "surprise YaHuWaH, yourself and everyone else."