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YaHuWaH 's Promises

A declaration that one will do or not do a certain thing.


There are literally hundreds of sacred promises in the Scriptures. Before I list them I want to make a few points clear.

  1. YaHuWaH Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel will keep every one of His promises. Not one can fail. Bear in mind that the Almighty's reputation is at stake here; so you can be certain that He will keep His word. Some of His promises, by man's standards, may appear to take a long time in fulfillment; but that is because we humans only live a few years (60, 80 or 100 years) and most of us fail to see important events from the standpoint of eternity. In other words, we are spiritually 'short-sighted.' The Most High, however, plans with eternity in mind. His designs, words, promises and actions go far beyond our imaginings and short lives. His declarations reach down the endless corridors of time. He looks beyond the grave. Of this we can be certain, YaHuWaH ; will keep His promises to His people - in His own time - no matter what may happen. No power in existence can prevent Him from carrying out His will. Satan vainly imagines that he can frustrate YaHuWaH 's will, or even prevent the Almighty from carrying out His plans. But that is Satan's big mistake; possibly his gravest error. The fact is, YaHuWaH 's will and Word cannot be frustrated, delayed or broken. His promises will all be kept - regardless of who or how many oppose Him. That is the first fact to remember in this extended Sermon Note.
  2. The next is that this Note will provide material for scores of sermons. To prepare a sermon or Bible study look through the list below and select the promises concerning a particular subject. For example: using the Find command at the Edit Menu of your browser (Netscape or Explorer) search for the word obedient, and you will find the first promise made to the obedient believer. Once you have found the first text, make a note of it on a piece of paper and then Find the next, and then the next. The texts you have found and noted will form the basis of your sermon. After this you should open the relevant book in the Holy Bible itself and again (from the Edit Menu) Find, Copy and then Paste the full verse into a new word processed document. Build your sermon around these texts. Further sermons based on promises about life, mercy, love, the overcomer etc. may be searched for as described above. In this way you could produce scores of sermons using this Sermon Note.
  3. You could of course, simply read down the list of Promises and see how many and how varied they are. Even this short exercise will show you how great is our Creator and how much He cares for us. Praise His holy Name!
  4. Always remember that the Almighty is One who keeps His promises. When it appears that a promise is not be kept, restudy Lesson 15 on Human Suffering. You will find there that sometimes the Most High has good reason for delaying fulfillment. Some other factor may be at work; but when the time - His time - is ready, the promise will be fulfilled.
  5. The next point is that this Note, the longest in the series, was taken from an old Authorized King James Bible given to us many years ago. It is therefore the work of a bygone Scottish believer who we hope to meet in the Kingdom of Heaven. I'm sure he (or she) will be pleased that this article was put on the Internet some 150 years after it was compiled. I am honored to be able to present his/her work to you as a gift from Scotland.
Of YAHUSHUA's victory over the Devil: 3:15
To Noah of preservation in the ark: 6:18
Of the several seasons: 8:21,22
Of security from a flood: 9:9,11,15
Of the calling of the Gentiles 9:27
To Abram to make him a great nation 12:2,3
Of the land of Canaan and a numerous seed 13:15-17
Of a son 15:4
To Abram of numerous seed 17:2,4,6
To be an Elohim to Abram and his seed 17:7
To give Abraham the land of Canaan 17:8
To Isaac to give him Canaan 26:3
To Jacob, to be with him 31:3
Of Canaan and a numerous seed 35:11,12
To bring him out of Egypt again 46:3,4

To Moshe to be with him 3:12
To give the Israelites favor with the Egyptians 3:21
To teach him what to say 4:12
To the Israelites to bring them into Canaan and to be their God 6:6-8
Freedom from sickness upon obedience 15:26
To the Israelites, to be His particular people upon their obedience 19:5,6
Of long life to honoring of parents 20:12
His presence and blessing in place of solemn worship 20:24
Defense to obedience 23:22
Health 23:25
Long life 23:26
Victory 23:27
To Israel, of His presence and to be their Elohim 29:45
To Moses of His presence 33:14
To show him His glory 33:19
Of safety when they appeared before YaHuWaH 34:24

Of life to the obedient 18:5
Safety 25:18,19
Plenty 26:3-5
Peace 26:6
Victory 26:7,8
YaHuWaH 's presence 26:11-13
Removal of judgments to the penitent 26:40-42,44,45

Of YAHUSHUA and His kingdom 24:17-19
To Phinehas, of the priesthood 25:12,13

Of mercy to the penitent 4:29-31
Long life to the obedient 4:40 5:33 6:2
Prosperity 6:3,18
Spiritual and temporal blessings 7:12-15
Long life and victory 7:21-25
Welfare to themselves and posterity 12:28
Blessings to the obedient 15:4-6,18
Life and the land to those that do justice 16:20
Of YAHUSHUA 18:15,16
Victory 20:1,4
Blessing to the charitable 24:19
Long life to them that do justly 25:15
Many blessings to the obedient 28:1-14
Outward prosperity 29:9
Return from captivity to the penitent 30:2-5
Renewal of the covenant 30:6
Plenty 30:2-5
Blessing to the obedient 30:16
Not to fail or forsake 31:6,8
To Joshua to be with him 31:23
Long life to the obedient 32:46,47

To Joshua 1:5-9 10:8

To Gideon of victory 6:16   7:7
To Manoah of a son that would deliver Israel 13:3,5

Honor to those that honor YaHuWaH
Mercy to the obedient 12:14
Not to forsake His people 12:22

To David of mercy to his seed 7:12,16

To Solomon long life upon his obedience 3:14
And to establish his throne 9:4,5 11:36
To dwell among them upon their obedience 6:12-13
Of supply to the widow of Sarepta 17:14
To Ahab of victory 20:13
Of respite of judgements upon his humiliation 21:29

To the Shunammite of a child 4:16
Of plenty in Samaria 7:1
To Jehu of continuing the kingdom to him for four generations 10:30
Of deliverance from enemies to those that fear YaHuWaH 17:39
To Hezekiah to defend the city 19:30,31,34
Of healing him and lengthening his life 20:5,6
To Josiah, that he should die in peace 22:20

Many mercies to David and his seed 17:9-14 22:9,10,13

To Solomon of wisdom, riches and honor 1:12
Pardon and audience 7:14,15
To Solomon to establish his throne if obedient 7:17,18
Of stability and prosperity to believers 20:20
Mercy to the penitent 30:9

Deliverance from trouble, war, famine, slanders 5:19-22
Security from mischievous accidents 5:23
A comfortable habitation 5:24
Flourishing prosperity 5:25
Long life 5:26
To plenty and sincerity 8:5-7
Prosperity and security 11:15-19
Of perseverance and growth in grace 19:9
Good to acquaintance with YaHuWaH 22:21
Wealth to the penitent and righteous 22:23,24
Defense 22:25
Audience 22:27
Audience and pardon to the penitent 33:26-28
Prosperity to the obedient 36:11

Of fruitfulness and prosperity to the Godly 1:3
Audience 4:3
Blessing and favor to the righteous 5:12
Refuge to the oppressed 9:9
Needy not always forgotten 9:18
Safety to the poor oppressed 12:5
Stability and perseverance to the citizens of Zion 15:1,5
Of direction to happiness 16:11
To the meek 22:26
Of blessing to the poor 24:4,5
Instruction to the penitent 25:8
Direction to the meek 25:9
Mercies to those that fear YaHuWaH 25:12-14
Safety in trouble 27:5
Care in distress 27:10
Strength to those that wait 27:14
Strength to His people 29:11
Not to be always angry 30:5
Of hiding to those that fear YaHuWaH 31:20
Strength to those that hope in YaHuWaH 31:24
Mercy to those that trust in YaHuWaH 32:10
Deliverance to those that fear YaHuWaH 33:18,19
Protection 34:7
No want 34:9,10
Audience and deliverance to the righteous 34:15,17,19
Nigh to the broken in heart and saves them 34:18
Satisfaction in ordinances 36:8,9
Habitation and food to trusting in YaHuWaH 37:3
Of desires granted to delighting in YaHuWaH 37:4
To those that commit their way to YaHuWaH 37:5,6
Of inheriting the earth to waiting on YaHuWaH 37:9
And to the meek 37:11
Upholding to the righteous 37:17
A lasting inheritance to the upright 37:18
Food in famine 37:19
Of direction to a good man 37:23
Upholding 37:24
Inheriting the land to the righteous 37:29
That steps shall not slide 37:31
Of not leaving the righteous in the power of the wicked 37:33
To waiting on YaHuWaH 37:34
Of help and deliverance to the righteous 37:39,40
Many blessings to him that considers the poor 41:1-3
Help in trouble 50:15
Of salvation to him that orders his conversation aright 50:23
Support 55:22
Plenty and blessing to praising YaHuWaH 67:5-7
To the humble 69:32,33
Of help to the poor 72:12-14
Guidance 73:24
Satisfaction to large expectations 81:10
Victory and plenty to obedience 81:13,16
Peace to His people 85:8
Plenty 85:12
To David 89:4,20-29
And to his seed 89:30-37
Of deliverance from pestilence 91:3-7,10
Protection 91:11,12
Deliverance to those that love YaHuWaH 91:14
Audience 91:15
Long life 91:16
Flourishing and fruitfulness 92:12-14
Not casting off His people 94:14
Preservation, deliverance and comfort 97:16,11
Regarding the prayer of the destitute 102:16
Not always chide 103:9
Of blessing on the posterity of those that fear YaHuWaH 112:2
And wealth 112:3
And establishment 112:6-8
Blessing to them that fear YaHuWaH 115:13-15
Security 121:3
And preservation 121:6-8
Prosperity to those that love the church 122:6
Stability to trusting in YaHuWaH 125:1,2
Deliverance from oppression 125:3
Joy 126:5,6
Sundry blessings to those that fear YaHuWaH 128:1-6
Redemption from sin 130:8
To David 132:11-18
Of deliverance from enemies 138:7
To the upright 140:13
Calling upon YaHuWaH 145:18
Of fulfilling their desires 145:19
Preservation to those that love YaHuWaH 145:20
Help for those in distress 146:7-9
Healing to the broken in heart 147:3
To the meek 147:6

Of safety 1:33
Knowledge to those that seek it 2:4,5,9
Wisdom to the righteous 2:6,7
To the upright 2:21
Of long life and favor 3:2-4
Direction to those that trust in YaHuWaH 3:5,6
Health and strength to those that fear YaHuWaH 3:7,8
Plenty to honoring YaHuWaH with estates 3:9,10
Safety and security to the obedient 3:21-26
To love of wisdom 4:8,9
Righteous not famish 10:3
Of stability to righteous 10:30 12:3,7
And a sure reward 11:18
Blessing to him that sells corn 11:26
Flourishing to the righteous 11:28
The just shall come out of trouble 12:13
No evil shall happen to him 12:21
To the diligent 12:24 13:4
Of reward to him that fears the commandments 13:13
Honor to him that regards reproof 13:18
Wisdom to him that converses with the wise 13:20
Good to the righteous 13:21
Flourishing to the upright 14:11
Mercy to them that devise good 14:22
Audience to the righteous 14:29
Quietness of mind to them that commit their works to YaHuWaH 16:3
Peace to them that please YaHuWaH 16:7
To a wise and faithful servant 17:2
Of safety to the righteous 18:10
To the charitable 19:17
Of satisfaction to them that fear YaHuWaH 19:23
Blessing to the children of the just 20:7
And to the bountiful 20:9
Reformation to correction 20:15 23:13,14
To good education of children 22:6
Of joy to the father of good children 23:24
Reward to the wise 24:14
Blessing to them that rebuke sinners 24:25
Reward to a good servant 27:18
To the upright 28:10
Of pardon to the penitent 28:13
Safety to the upright 28:18
Plenty to the diligent 28:19,20
Favor to reprovers of the wicked 28:23
To trust in YaHuWaH 28:25
Of deliverance to the wise 28:26
Plenty to the charitable 28:27
To correction 29:17
Of honor to the humble 29:23
Safety to them that trust in YaHuWaH 29:25 30:5

To the fear of YaHuWaH 8:12
The charitable 11:1

Of pardon to the penitent 1:18
Plenty to the obedient 1:19
The church's reformation 1:25,26
The church flourishing in the last days 2:2-4
Of safety in common calamities 3:10
Glory and safety of the church 4:4-6
YAHUSHUA promised 7:14   9:6,7   11:1-10
Love among the members of the church 11:13
Of joy in the use of ordinances 12:3
The church's tranquility 14:3
Spiritual blessings of the church 25:6
Of perfect peace to trusting in YaHuWaH 26:3
The church's security 27:3
Of peace to believers 27:5
Moderate correction 27:8
Reformation by affliction 27:9
The church's extent 27:6   54:2   60:1-10
Of joy to the meek 29:19
Favor to His people 30:18,19
Continuance of the means of grace 30:20-26
The blessings of Messiah's kingdom 32:1-4,17,18   35:1
Of safety to the righteous 33:15,16
Pardon to the members of the church 33:24
YAHUSHUA's care of weak believers 40:11
Of strength to the faint 40:29
And to them that wait 40:31
Strength and support 41:10-14
Comfort to spiritual poor 41:17,18
Direction to the ignorant 42:16
Safety in dangers 43:2
Pardon 43:25
The Spirit 44:3
Increase of grace 44:4
Pardon 44:22
Support and deliverance in trouble 46:4
Sparing 48:9
Not forget 49:15,16
Of light to those in darkness 50:10
Everlasting joy 51:11
Knowledge 52:6
Comfort in desertion 54:7,8
To hearing 55:3
Of mercy to the penitent 55:7
To success of the word 55:10,11
To the observation of the Sabbath 56:4-7
Righteous happy in death 57:2
Of YaHuWaH 's presence and reviving to the humble 57:15
Not contend for ever 57:16
Of peace 57:19
Audience 58:9
To liberality 58:10,11
Observation of the Sabbath 58:13,14
Trembling at the Word 66:2
Out casts 66:

To Jeremiah of protection 1:8,19   15:19,20
Of mercy to the penitent 2:12
Rest to the righteous 6:16
To amendment 7:3
Obedience 7:23   11:4,5
Jeremiah of favor with enemies 15:11
Of flourishing and fruitfulness to those that trust in YaHuWaH 17:7,8
To observation of Sabbath 17:24,25
OF freedom from evil to the penitent 18:8-10   26:13
Messiah promised 23:5,6   33:25,17
Of a heart to know YaHuWaH 24:7
Return from Babylon 27:22   29:10-14  30:3   32:37-44
Of moderation in correcting 30:11
Of a new covenant 31:31-34
To Ebedmelech of deliverance 39:18

Not cast off for ever 3:31,32

Of one heart and a new spirit 11:19
To remember and establish the covenant 16:60,62
Of pardon to those that reform 18:21,22,27,28
Of a new heart 36:26
Return from Babylon 37:21   39:25

To those that turn many to righteousness 12:3
Of the increase of knowledge 12:4

Of reconciliation and mercy 2:14
Healing to the penitent 6:1
Increase of knowledge to them that seek it 6:2
Not executing the fierceness of anger 11:9
Healing their backsliding 14:4
Growth in grace and fruitfulness 14:5-7

Of a blessing to repentance 2:12,14,19-32

Of life to the penitent 5:4,6,14,15

The church's extent 4:1-7
Not angry forever 7:18
Of subduing and pardoning iniquities 7:19
The church's tranquility 33:20,21
Pardon 33:24

Of increase in knowledge 2:14

YAHUSHUA promised 2:7

Of mercy to the penitent 1:3
The church's protection and glory 2:5
YAHUSHUA promised 3:8 6:12

Of mercy to the penitent 3:7
Plenty to payment of tithes 3:10
Sparing 3:17
Mercy to those that fear YaHuWaH 4:2

To the poor in spirit 5:3
Mourners 5:4
The meek 5:5
Desires after righteousness 5:6
The merciful 5:7
The pure in heart 5:8
Peacemakers 5:9
Persecuted for righteousness' sake 5:10-12
Of open reward to secret alms 6:4
And to secret prayer 6:6
And to secret fasting 6:18
Pardon to those that forgive others 6:14
Clothing 6:30
Supply to those that first seek righteousness 6:33
Desires granted to earnest seekers 7:7
Blessedness to the doers of God's will 7:21
Salvation to perseverance 10:22
To confessing of Messiah 10:32
Of reward to those that lose life for Messiah 10:39
To kindness to Messiah's ministers 10:41,42
Of rest for those that come to Messiah 11:28
The church's stability 16:18
To humility 18:4
Of YAHUSHUA's presence to those met in His Name 18:20
Everlasting life to those that forsake all for YAHUSHUA 19:29
To asking in faith 21:22
Of escalation to thee humble 23:12
Salvation to perseverance 24:13
Reward to those that faithfully employ their talents 25:21,23,29
Life everlasting to the righteous 25:46
YAHUSHUA's presence with His ministers 28:20

To faith 9:23
The prayer of faith 11:24

Of great reward to love of enemies 6:35
Being taught what to say 12:12   21:15
To the charitable 14:13,14
Of speedy relief from persecutors 18:8

Of everlasting life to believers 3:15-16,36   5:24   6:40,47
Never thirst any more 4:14 5:35
Of not casting out him that comes to Messiah 5:37
To the doers of YaHuWaH's will 7:17
Believers 7:38
Such as continue in Messiah's word 8:32
Those that keep Messiah's sayings 8:51
That Messiah's sheep shall never perish 10:28
That believers shall never die 11:25,26
Nor abide in darkness 12:46
Whatsoever we ask in Messiah's name He will do 14:13,14
To those that love YaHuWaH 14:23
Of helping our memories 14:26
That the spirit will guide unto all truth 16:13
Of receiving to those that ask 16:24
Of pardon to believers 10:43
And salvation 16:31

Of wisdom to those that ask it 1:5
A crown of life 1:12
To the doers of the Torah 1:25
Resisting the devil 4:7
Drawing nigh to YaHuWaH 4:8
Those that humble themselves 4:10
Health and pardon to the prayer of faith 5:15

Of pardon to confession of sin 1:9
To see YaHuWaH as He is 3:2
Of pardon 5:16

To the overcomer 2:7,11,17,   26-28
Of a crown of life to those that persevere 2:10
To sup with him that opens to Him 3:20
To those that are before the throne of YaHuWaH 7:15-17
To the thirsty 21:6
To the overcomer 21:7

May the Holy One of Israel bless all who take the time to study His promises and especially those who believe them and wait for their fulfillment. May His Son's sacrifice be accepted as the only route to salvation and His holy Torah be understood and obeyed in accordance with His will.