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Psalm 147

1. Praise YaHuWaH

Several Psalms open with the call to praise YaHuWaH ; not because He needs our praise, or is in some way dependent upon the admiration and approval of mere mortals, but because the very expression of praise develops a believer's understanding and appreciation of YaHuWaH. Praise also acts as a lesson to hearers, most of whom are unaware of the Almighty's love, His willingness to help and His generous offer of eternal life. In other words, we praise the Most High as a form of thankfulness and as a testimony to others in need of salvation.

verse 1 "For it is good to sing praises unto our Elohim; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely."

2. YaHuWaH 's Works

The Most High is a worker, His Son is a worker, and every true believer ought to be a worker too. The most important work YaHuWaH is engaged in is specified in this Psalm. It is the work of salvation!

verse 2 YaHuWaH doth build up Jerusalem: He gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.
3: He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Note: Bear in mind that this psalm was written before the Babylonian captivity; before Jerusalem had been leveled to the ground. It portrays YaHuWaH 's work on His spiritual capital. It represents His overall involvement with His subjects, their welfare and their future. YaHuWaH doth (present tense) build Jerusalem. And part of that work is to: 'Heal the broken hearted and bind up the spiritually wounded.'

3. YaHuWaH 's Knowledge / Power

Though simultaneously performing countless millions of physical and spiritual operations throughout the mighty universe, the Almighty is nevertheless keenly interested in the personal progress and welfare of every member of the human race. His knowledge and power is measureless and breath-taking.

verse 4 He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.
5: Great is our Adon, and of great power: His understanding is infinite.

4. YaHuWaH 's Other Activities

verse 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.
9: He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.

In other words, all the while He is building Zion (His people) and overseeing the lives of countless millions of humans and angels, the Almighty is also controlling the climate and catering for the individual needs of innumerable creatures on this planet and throughout space. Here indeed is awesome power, endless involvement and matchless love.

5. YaHuWaH 's Characteristics

Though of infinite worth and virtually infinite goodness, the Most High is a very humble Being. Because of His humility, we may be sure that there are traits in His character, His ability and His worth which He has not revealed to anyone. This is typical of all humble people. They do not proclaim their own worth and achievements: if anything they play them down. YaHuWaH 's esteem for the trait of humility must, therefore, mean that He is infinitely better than we can imagine. His abhorrence of pride makes this fact obvious.

  • His Love of Meekness
    verse 6 YaHuWaH lifteth up the meek: He casteth the wicked down to the ground.


  • His Priorities
    verse 10 He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: He taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.

    In a world obsessed with physical power and speed (symbolized by the war horse) and by beauty (symbolized by the legs of a man or woman) this verse focuses on three human reactions the Almighty values:- meekness, faith and repentance. Is this not an encouraging verse? Does it not open the Gate of Hope to all of us? It surely does. Indeed it is the heart of this psalm, the key verse for every forlorn sinner who may be tempted to think that all is lost and that there is no hope for him or her.

    This is the gospel verse. It tells us that we may all - at any time - approach the Most High. For, even though He has many engagements, He is still available and eager to meet the sinner's need for forgiveness. "He lifteth up the meek."


  • His Joys
    verse 11 YaHuWaH taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy.

    Yes, believe it or not, you and I can bring pleasure to the Almighty's heart. We can gladden Him by our faith, our willingness to avail ourselves of His mercy and by opening up our hearts to Him. All this is within the power of the lowliest soul on earth. Oh what an amazing part we can occupy in the heart of YaHuWaH !

6. YaHuWaH 's Blessing

The Most High is an extremely generous person. His love goes way beyond His mercy - which itself is a beautiful trait - into the arena of blessing. We use the word blessing because it means a 'bounteous bestowal of all things that are good.' Note the extent of YaHuWaH 's blessing on His people (symbolized by Zion in Jerusalem).

verse 12 : Praise YaHuWaH, O Jerusalem; praise thy Elohim, O Zion.
13: For He hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; He hath blessed thy children within thee.

In other words He has re-enforced the defenses of His people - our minds and our souls. He has given us confidence and strength against doubt and fear. Countless believers can testify to the truth of this statement. Yes, the Most High certainly blesses the offspring of the saved.

verse 14 He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.

Mankind desperately wants Peace. But, alas! politicians and people alike don't seem to realize that peace is a spiritual product which Elohim alone can produce in a person or nation. It begins in the individual's heart, spreads to the family, overflows to the community and influences everyone with whom we come in contact.


"He maketh peace in thy borders."

7. YaHuWaH 's Torah

Second only to the gift of YAHUSHUA the Messiah, comes the gift of YaHuWaH 's Torah.

This priceless possession is given to Jacob (Israel), the one who wrestled with YaHuWaH and won His blessing. Every believer is included in this verse, because everyone who wrestles with YaHuWaH, everyone who accepts YAHUSHUA the Messiah and obeys His commandments is joined unto Israel and is an Israelite. This is a unique privilege in the commonwealth of nations.

verse 19 He sheweth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His judgments unto Israel.
20: He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for His judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye YAH.

An understanding of YaHuWaH 's Torah and the spiritual power necessary to keep it, is - second to the gift of YAHUSHUA - the greatest gift YaHuWaH has given mankind. If you have faith in and obedience to the Savior, this great gift can be yours, no matter which nation you come from.