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Head Coverings for Men


In the Jewish synagogues men cover their heads. The practice goes back to the time when Moshe put a veil over his head because of the brightness of his face after being in YaHuWaH 's presence. The anointed priests were also to wear head coverings and were forbidden to uncover their heads because of the anointing. (Lev.10:6, Lev.21:10)


Head Coverings for Women


Here is a matter that each married couple will need to settle for themselves. Some women wear hats or scarves in church. It's not wrong for a woman to wear a head covering such as a hat or scarf in church. Nevertheless the following fact may be helpful:
  • A veil, according to the dictionary, is a piece of fine net or other fabric worn as part of a head-dress to conceal the face.

An instance where a veil was worn to conceal the face is found in Genesis 24:65 where we read that Rebekah took a veil and covered herself.

Hebrew tsaiph = she wrapped herself up - she concealed her face!

In Exodus 34:33 we read that Moshe put a veil over his head. He literally hid his face from view. From this we can see that there is a big difference between the Biblical veil (still worn by women in the Middle and Far East) and the hats, bonnets, caps, turbans, plumes and fancy feathers posing as veils these days. In ancient days the veil was a sign of humility and modesty. The modern headgear we see in the churches these days is often a sign of pride. And so we draw a conclusion: that if women want to use a veil, let them do so. But make sure it is a true veil that covers the face and not just another excuse to parade a new piece of finery. A head scarf is perfectly in order nowadays.